First House Financial

Rent to own | Pre-Foreclosures


While buying foreclosures is lucrative, it can also be difficult if you do it on your own.

Our first web-based listings service was launched to assist professionals, homebuyers, and investors find pre-foreclosure properties. has since extended its reach to provide guidelines and tips to find the best deal. Though we still have access to nationwide property listing databases include foreclosures, Rental Properties, Bank owned, and preforeclosures, our focus has changed to where we are now among the largest providers of guidelines for subject-2-financing purchases. was designed for our members. Updated daily, with the hottest real-estate trends, we are considered among the best in the industry. We have also streamlined our First house Financial tips and guides with Firsthousefinancial blogs, ebooks, and Firsthousefinancial youtube videos to help subscribers save valuable learning and adjustment time. For added convenience, our customer service department is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to accommodate our rapidly becoming the industry leader.
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