First House Financial

Firsthousefinancial Reviews and Testimonial

First house financial me a ton of Pre-foreclosed homes without having to go through a realtor first, and it gave a variety of price ranges and neighborhoods. I made an offer on a home and we just got the word this morning our offer was accepted!! Thanks for your help.
-- John B. - Sebring, FL

I loved the First house financial. Easy to use and full of great information. No gimmicks. Also the tutorials were very helpful. Thank you!
-- Sarah S. - Peoria, IL

First house financial took me around beyond areas I never imagined I could find houses. You even researched on the crime rating of the neighborhood...Brilliant!
-- Richard A. - Marietta, GA

My daughter was able to find a home she could afford and be happy with, a five acre farm with many outbuildings only a mile from town. Perfect for my daughter and her family! PRICE WAS RIGHT!!
-- Nancy C. - Alma, MI

I found my new condo with First house financial. I really appreciate that. the monthly is so affordable. Thanks for everything!
-- Mansoor S. - Miami, FL

Firsthousefinancial is very informative and up to date. I bought a house from your site at a real good deal. I joined several other sites and was not pleased, but your site was great...keep up the good work and thank you.
-- Lester L. - Villa Rica, GA

First House Financial
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