First House Financial

Firsthousefinancial Reviews and Testimonial

Check out what First House Financial users and the press have said.

Yes! I have a new apartment w/ no hassle at all. very affordable monthly
-- Michael McMollin - Los Angeles, CA

Its very simple actually, the loan stays in the original persons name and the title of ownership is yours. This way you don't need to apply for a loan to obtain property rights. You can also leave at anytime and the title would just go back to the original owner, so your not tied down at all. Completely safe. FHF has like 2 complaints with the BBB out of many thousands of customers, and 0 complaints on google, I'd say go with them.
-- Jason Mcfield - New York, NY

Yes it works for me. thanks for the updated listings. i got it now in my email.
-- Mary Ann - New York, NY

You provide very good info about properties in all price ranges. Keep doing what you are doing!
-- Duke A. - Baltimore, MD

I thought the information on which stage the foreclosure was in was very helpful. I think the firsthousefinancial service is great..!
-- Patricia A. - Egg Harbor, NJ

Nothing is needed to make the firsthousefinancial better...keep up the good work...I love the information that is supplied. Your site has been very helpful to me. Thanks for everything...
-- Sabrina H. - East Detroit, MI

Firsthousefinancial listing is very affordable, glad I joined. hope you stay long and open for new customer.
-- Ronan R. SFbay, CA
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