First House Financial


What Can First House Financial Do For You? 

First House Financial is a listings company. They will help you find very nice houses that you can afford to own and to which you can move in to right away. All the homes are in pre-foreclosure that means that homeowners are eager to sell them fast. You may be afraid of owning property with a loan attached to it. However, once you understand how the subject-2-financing technique works you will see how it’s a win-win situation for both you and the homeowner. With subject-2-financing, you will be able to get ownership of the property without clearing the loan balance first. The loan remains in the name of the original homeowner until it is paid out in full or refinanced. You win because you bought the house at the price of a rental without going through the necessary credit check and best of all you get to own the house right away and do what you want to do with it – sell it, rent it out or live in it.  The original homeowner also wins because you saved his loan from foreclosure and prevented damage to his credit and other IRS repercussions.

As a member, you get access to the largest database of pre-foreclosure homes in the country with an option to  rental or buy. You will also be getting the comprehensive guide and training materials to help you understand pre-foreclosure acquisition. They give you the tools you need plus 24/7 customer service support that will assist you in locating properties, contact the property owner for a walk-through, perform the title search and verify loan details with the lender and draft the purchase agreement and deed transfer. I think this is a great package deal and the cheapest you can find in the market nowadays. 
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