First House Financial

In, you are the first to us - Get Your First House

Welcome to First House financial

Firsthousefinancial phone number is at the bottom. The most affordable service in the niche. Firsthousefinancial will help you find very nice houses but here is the catch:

1) The houses are pre-foreclosed you have an option to rent and the owners need someone to move in right away. All you need is first month rent no employment or credit check, but you can't ever default on the monthly payment.
2) Hhave a access to the guide, training materials, 24/7 customer service; a great deal and be a Firsthousefinancial member
3) Once you get your package, you'll need to be the one to contact the owner saying you are interested in taking over the payment of his/her house.

This is convenient if you need something available ASAP or not. Just simply contact the home owner and schedule a viewing. You can also knock at the door of the houses you were interested in, someone should be available to show you the place. Just contact the firsthousefinancial customer service if there is any issue.
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Main Office Tel.1.831.600.8203 / Tel.1.877.413.7214